Monday, September 16, 2013

PS4 vs Xbox One: which is better?


The launches of Xbox One and PS4 are a two months away, as both consoles are about to go toe-to-toe this November. Gamers are putting their pre-order money down as if it's an expensive bet on which video game system will deliver the best performance over the next decade. Both systems are evenly matched in many respects and should be able to usher in the next generation of gaming that the Wii U hasn't been able to deliver. With E3 2013 in the books, we can finally get a better perspective as in a PS4 vs Xbox One comparison about their finer differences.

Which has the better controller?

The Xbox One controller vs the PS4 DualShock 4 controller is a debate that won't be won anytime soon, mostly because gamers' already have a locked-in preference.

The reason for this is that neither Sony nor Microsoft have radically changed their respective controllers over the years - they're more like evolutions from 2000 and 2001.

The DualShock 4 is a little bigger in the next-generation thanks to its unique front-and-center touchpad. Sony stuck with the dual analog sticks down in front, but at least have a central divot recess for easier gripping.

Microsoft also didn't mess with success, only slightly modifying its controller in the jump to the Xbox One. It's 40 design innovations are subtle, including the tweaked D-Pad on the bottom-left of the game pad and extra rumble features.

In testing the two controllers at E3 2013, Sony's DualShock 4 felt leaps-and-bounds better than the PS3 DualShock 3 controller, however, it was only catching up to comfort already provided by the Xbox 360 and now Xbox One gamepads.

Xbox One Kinect vs PS4 Eye

While Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will appeal to "core" gamers with mature launch titles, as evidenced by the strictly motion-less E3 lineup from Microsoft and Sony.

However, behind-the-scenes, the two companies are charging forward with motion-sensing games thanks to the Xbox One Kinect and PS4 Camera.

Microsoft designed the 1080p Kinect to track up to six skeletons for immerse video game effects that the company says is "human control for a human experience."

Expanding on that motto, the packed-in Kinect 2.0 will be able to process 2GB of data per second, analyzing more joints, the slight rotation of a wrist or shoulder and your heartbeat.

The PlayStation Eye, which will not come with the PS4 system, features two 1280×800px cameras inside a similarly shaped camera bar.

In addition to human interaction, the DualShock 4 controller will come into play with the PS4 camera thanks to its multi-colored light bar. It will also be compatible with those PS4 Move motion controllers that have gone unused.

Other differences 

The look of the console, the feel of the controller and the way the games make you feel make up the main differences from which consumers will decide.

However, there are smaller factors potential PS4 and Xbox One buyers should consider when going to the store this holiday season.

It's a good idea to converse with friends to know which system they're going to buy. Since there's no such thing as cross-platform multiplayer, you may be split up when playing Call of Duty on PS4 when all of your friends own it for Xbox One. Both Microsoft and Sony are charging for multiplayer this generation, whereas PS3 gamers got to log into matches scott-free. However, only Microsoft is going to lock apps behind its Xbox Live paywall. Sony has confirmed that streaming video content like Netflix, Hulu Plus and MLB.TV on PS4 won't require a PlayStation Plus subscription.

Next-generation console buyers who don't plan on paying the yearly fee and do plan on using the system for entertainment purposes may want to weigh that into their final decision.


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